This scholarly work focuses on the establishment in 1809, in what is today Northern Nigeria, of the celebrated Sokoto caliphate, which may well have been the last complete re-establishment, anywhere in the world, of Islam in its entirety, comprising all its many and varied dimensions.
The Madinan Way
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The African Caliphate
This scholarly work focuses on the establishment in 1809, in what is today Northern Nigeria, of the celebrated Sokoto caliphate, which may well have been the last complete re-establishment, anywhere in the world, of Islam in its entirety, comprising all its many and varied dimensions.
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Fair Trading
Fair Trading is a valuable outline of the much neglected area of the laws of trade in a non-specialist language that should be accessible to anyone.
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Al-Murshid al-Mu‘een
Al-Murshid al-Mu’een – the Concise Guide to the Basics of the Deen – is a widely recognised primary text for learning Islam in North Africa. In it the author, Abd al-Wahid ibn ‘Ashir, summarises in verse the three sciences of Islam, Iman and Ihsan.
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Knowledge of God
Shaykh al-Alawi has taken ibn al-Ashir’s verse poem, itself a summation of Islamic teachings, and made it a vehicle for making plain the unitary knowledge, the hidden doctrine, that lies beneath every phenomenon of outer wisdom.