This scholarly work focuses on the establishment in 1809, in what is today Northern Nigeria, of the celebrated Sokoto caliphate, which may well have been the last complete re-establishment, anywhere in the world, of Islam in its entirety, comprising all its many and varied dimensions.
Handbook on Islam 2nd edition
A manual on how to establish Islam, with understanding, by the famous West African Shaykh who led the jihad (struggle in the way of Allah) which established the Muslim Khalifate in Northern Nigeria in the 18th century.
£9.99 – £19.95 -
The African Caliphate 2
This scholarly work focuses on the establishment in 1809, in what is today Northern Nigeria, of the celebrated Sokoto caliphate, which may well have been the last complete re-establishment, anywhere in the world, of Islam in its entirety, comprising all its many and varied dimensions.
£0.00 – £25.95