Ibn Rushd Mujtahid of Europe

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First, this book reconciles the two pictures of Ibn Rushd, both the philosopher whose commentaries on Aristotle in particular lie at the very foundation of the Renaissance and thus the modern world, and the Imam of the mosque of Cordoba who delivered the Friday address there for thirty years and who authored the stunning work on the positions and the madhhabs of the people of fiqh, Bidaya al-Mujtahid wa Nihaya al-Muqtasid.

Dr. Asadullah Yate, Imam of the Stralsund Mosque in Germany, goes even further than this, and focuses on the part of the Bidaya on the subject of usury, which in his introduction he connects  to its significance in our world today, and the seemingly inexorable rise to dominance of usury capitalism all over the world, not least among Muslims.

A timely work and a foundational one.


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