At last, here is a translation into English of the Qur’an which is easy to read and which gives access to the meanings of the original Arabic without compromising or obscuring them in any way.
The Return of the Gold Dinar
Gold is coming back. Many independent thinkers from all over the world are calling for it to come back and restore soundness to our currency and we ought to do that simply by restoring to the people the freedom to choose.
£8.95 -
The Secret Garden
This work contains all the principles of the science of tasawwuf in a concise form. It is Shaykh Mahmud Shabistari’s lucid exposition of the deen of Islam and how a man or woman can gain access to his or her reality.
£9.99 -
The Way of Muhammad
The revised edition of this modern classic is, in the words of its author, simply a meditation of the five pillars of Islam as viewed by someone who has taken them on and is savouring their meanings.
£12.50 – £15.00 -
Zakat, islams faldne søjle
Denne bog forklarer kortfattet nødvendigheden for korrekt indsamling og distribution af zakat. Samtidig bliver søjlen skitseret på en måde, der giver mening i det nuværende økonomiske miljø.